Wednesday, February 11, 2009

No Change!

I went to the doctor today and nothing has changed since my last appointment...Jack is being stubborn! His head is down and he's in position but I still haven't dilated. I'm 37 weeks and Jack is considered full term so he is ready to come at anytime, but it looks like he'll be taking his time. His room is done, my bag is packed and we pretty much have everything we need for his arrival. We are so anxious and ready for our little guy to be here but I guess we'll have to wait a little longer. I know he will definitely be worth the wait! Here's a belly pic.

37 weeks


Jana said...

The next few weeks will seem to DRAG by, but it will be here before you know it! You and Larry are going to be great parents.

Walsh Zoo said...

You look SOO cute Shelly!