Friday, March 12, 2010

12 Month Check-Up

Jack had his 12 month check-up yesterday and here are his stats.

• Weight - 20 lbs. (10-15%)
• Height - 30 1/2 inches (50-75%)

He also got a round of shots, which were not fun. We're now able to start him on more formula! We're trying to cut back to one nap a day since he starts school on Monday. His class only takes an afternoon nap, but Jack is not wanting to give up his morning nap so I'm not pushing it. I'm sure his teachers and the other children will keep him very busy at school and he won't even miss that morning nap (I'll keep you posted on how he does). We had some pictures taken for Jack's 1st birthday. Here are a few of our favorites.


Burnett Family said...

He is such a cute little boy!! What school will he be going to?