Thursday, January 29, 2009

Weekly Doctor Visits

It's finally starting to set in that we're about to be parents to a precious little boy! We're so ready for Jack to be here but a little nervous about being parents. We want to do everything right but we feel like we don't know everything yet. I know everything will be fine but it's still a little scary! I went to the doctor today and everything is great! The doctor said Jack has dropped quite a bit but I'm still not dilated. It kind of freaked me out when the doctor said "Whoa, he's really dropped" but I'm happy to know he's starting to make his way out. She wants to start seeing me every week and my next appointment is on February 4. We have about 5 weeks to go but my doctor said he could come at just never know!


Shipley Family said...

Are you ever really prepared to be a parent? I hope he stays in a little longer!

Jana said...

Girl you learn as you go! I could tell you many stories about my messups. One thing to remember though - enjoy them while they are little. They grow up too fast.

Walsh Zoo said...

oops..i think my first comment delted.
girly - i never had even changed a diaper before sam arrived! sam was our "trial by error" baby. hahah! you'll be such great parents.