Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Pricked and Poked

Jack and I had a very long day today! We had our monthly doctor visit and everything was great! Jack's little heart was beating at 138 beats per minute. My doctor now wants to see me back in 3 weeks so my next appointment is on December 30. At that appointment, they will do the 3D ultrasound and we can't wait!

After my doctor visit today, I had to go to the hospital for my diabetes screening and the RhoGAM shot. I have never been pricked and poked as much as I was today. Once I got to the hosptial, they had to draw blood and run some tests before they could give me the shot. Then, I had to drink the glucose drink, which wasn't that bad...it tasted like Sunkist. I had to wait an hour and then go back so they could draw more blood. Then, I had to wait another hour and a half to get my diabetes results back. I finally got the RhoGAM shot, which they gave me in my hip. We are so exhausted but glad everything was ok!

I'm 28 weeks today! Its also the first day of my third trimester and Jack weighs 2 pounds (according to my books and websites). Jack has been a very active little boy! Sometimes I can see my belly move when he kicks. I love it so much, I catch myself staring at my belly waiting for him to move. I can't believe we only have 12 more weeks to go!


Walsh Zoo said...

You were pricked & poked a lot! Glad to heat everything is going so well :)
Are you peeing every 20 minutes yet? Just wait....hehehehe!

The Lloyd Family said...

Yes, I have never been poked and pricked as much as when I was preggers. So glad that is over! I do remember Peyton being pretty active and just sitting and staring at my belly, I kinda miss that. Glad to hear everything is going great! Good luck with the last 12 weeks :)

The Uschold Family said...

Oh my goodness! I can't believe you only have 12 more weeks. It has gone by fast!!