Monday, December 15, 2008

Jack Kicked Daddy!

Yesterday, we had a very lazy day and it was so nice! We were laying around and decided to let Jack listen to some music. Larry put the headphones on my belly and put his ear against my belly to see if he could hear him rumbling around. He didn't hear anything, but all of a sudden, Jack kicked Larry in the head. It was so funny to see the expression on Larry's face...we both laughed! When we first put the headphones on, he kicked and moved around but then stopped. I wonder if the music calms him down and makes him go to sleep. I've always heard to play your baby music before they are born and the same music will help calm them down once they arrive.


Alan & Tracey Gregory said...

That is soo cool! Alan felt a kick for the first time about 2 weeks ago! I feel your pain about not sleep...geez! I sure hope that doesn't mean the babies are going to be up all night when the finally get here!!