Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Baby #2 - 15 Weeks

Baby #2 is doing great!  I'm 15 weeks and feeling much better than I did 2 weeks ago.  At my doctor's appointment today, the baby's heartbeat is strong and beating fast and my belly is measuring right on track. We did the First Trimester Screening about 2 weeks ago and got to see our little one.  The baby was very active and was rolling around from side to side during the ultrasound.  The ultrasound tech was able to tell us the sex of the baby and we are very excited!!!  She did tell us not to go out and buy pink/blue stuff because its still earlier, so we've decided to wait until our 20 week appointment/ultrasound before we announce it to the world.  Here are a few pictures of Baby #2 at 13 weeks.