Thursday, March 29, 2012

3 Year Check-Up

Jack had his 3 year check-up today.  The doctor checked him out from head-to-toe and he did everything she told him to do.  After checking him out, she said he looks great!!  He didn't have to get any shots and we were both very happy about that.  The doctor asked him about his birthday and he told her all about it and didn't leave one part out.  I'm sure this is a phase but Jack talks ALL THE TIME and will ask a lot of questions.  Everything is "Why, Mommy/Daddy?" or "What is that?" or "What's that for?".  I love that he is so curious!!

Here are his 3 year stats.

  • Weight - 32.4 lbs. (60%)
  • Height - 38 inches (75%)