Saturday, December 18, 2010

Santa...Round 2

The first time we took Jack to see Santa did not work out too well.  He was so excited to see him and said "Ho Ho Ho" the whole way there, but as soon as he saw him he had a tight gip on Mimi's shoulder and was not letting go.  He would not get close to him but had no problem taking the candy cane and running the other direction while saying "no, Ho Ho".

Santa visited our neighborhood park this morning so we decided to try again.  This time we went with The Shipleys.  Caden loved Santa and ran right up to him...Jack stayed back.  When we were leaving Caden took Jack to meet Santa.  He wouldn't sit on his lap but gave him a high five and stood there for about a minute.  He was fine as long as Caden or Brooke were there!

Giving Santa a high five

Yummy, thanks for the candy cane!
Enjoying his candy cane
Jack made a gingerbread house at school.  He did a great job!