Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tubes: Surgery Day

Jack got his tubes today and everything went great! We checked into the surgery center at 7:00 am. At 7:30 am, they gave him some medicine to help him relax. The medicine made him a little drowsy and very goofy...he was so funny! He had this funny little grin on his face the whole time and kept trying to sit up, but couldn't, so he would fall back down and start laughing. They took him back at 8:05 am and the procedure was done in about 7 minutes. Jack had fluid and puss in both ears, which they cleaned out before putting in the tubes. He was not a happy boy after waking up but was back to his old self in no time. It's amazing how quick and easy the procedure is. The hardest part is when they took him back and we went separate ways....I think mommy needed the goofy medicine more then Jack did! Our little guy did so good and hopefully he will not get anymore nasty ear infections. Thanks for all the kind words and prayers!

10 minutes after given the goofy medicine!


Patrick, Julie, Will and Scott said...

SO glad al went well for Jack, and that Mommy got through it! Hopefully this helps the ear infections!!

Jana said...

YAY! I am so happy he is doing well. He'll be such a happer camper now (except for when he cuts his teeth)!

The Lloyd Family said...

I am so happy that everything went so well. Glad you are doing good too. It is hard on us mommys to see our babies in pain.