Monday, November 4, 2013

Halloween Fun!

We all had so much fun this Halloween!  Jack's class at school had a Halloween party on Thursday.  The kids made a fun dessert and a Frankenstein pencil holder.  I love watching him interact with all his school friends!  Later that evening we headed to The Milam's to continue the Halloween celebration.  They had a great turn out and Jack was excited to spend Halloween with his best buddies!  The kids played while the adults chatted and then we all went trick-or-treating in their neighborhood.  We all had a great time!

This year Jack dressed up as Optimus Prime (Transformer) and Taylor was a Leopard Cat.  Jack loved his costume and picked it out all by himself.  We painted black whiskers and a nose on Taylor and that lasted about 5 minutes, but she was still the cutest little kitty.