Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Taylor - 9 Month Check-Up

Oh how time flies!  I can't believe my baby girl is 9 months old.  She had her check-up yesterday morning and is doing great!

  • Weight - 16 lbs 4 oz (10%)
  • Height - 28 in (50%)
She didn't have to get any shots but had to get her finger pricked.  She didn't even cry!  The nurse and I had our eyes closed waiting for her to scream and she didn't make a peep.  Taylor can wave bye bye and loves to talk, laugh and smile! She's not crawling and doesn't seem to have any desire to do it.  She gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth and can move from all fours to the sitting position and from the sitting position to all fours.  She's never been a big fan of being on her stomach.  She likes to stand or sit so she doesn't miss anything.  She loves being in her walker and runs around the house chasing after Jack and the dogs.  Hopefully she'll decided to crawl in the next week or so....she's very close!!