Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hair Cut & Riding Peeto

Jack doesn't have a lot of hair, it's baby fine and has a few curls in the back. We didn't want to cut it but it started to get long and a little out of control, especially after being outside for a few hours. My mom is a hair dresser so she gave him a little trim. Jack did so good and sat very still! It's not that big of a difference but it looks better and he still has his curls.

While we were visiting my parents, Jack rode Peeto with Pop. The horse's name is Frito but Jack calls him Peeto. He can't say his F's (his F's are P's - fire is pire; frog is prog, etc.). He loves riding Peeto and that's all he talked about on the way home.


Jennifer Nixon said...

Great pictures! You can see his little personality shining through.