Friday, January 14, 2011

More Cows!

Jack is really into cows, horses, pigs, pretty much any kind of farm animal.  He got a toy cow and calve for Christmas and will not put them down.  Since then we've got him a few more and now everytime we go to the store he says "more cows" and I get him other one...I fall for it everytime!  Here are some pictures from last week of Jack eating "ice skeet" with his animals. He has quite the collection...and even more!

I need more hands!

Feeding them ice skeet

Cows like ice skeet too!

Eating ice skeet off his cows head...he thinks it's so funny!

Jack put all his animals in a bucket, put them on the table and sat down to eat breakfast. 


Adriana said...

How cute, it's amazing how attached they get. My son loves "El-Fants" and sits his stuffed elephant down with him for every meal.LOL

Jana said...

I LOVE the ice cream pic... hilarious!