Tuesday, February 9, 2010

One more month...

until Jack turns 1! I can't believe my baby boy is 11 months old today! He's no longer a baby and has grown into a handsome little man. Jack has such a fun and loving personality! He's doing very well at walking and should be a full-time walker by his 1st birthday. He still falls a lot but gets right back up and tries again. He's very socialable and will go to anyone. He is an amazing little boy and we are so thankful everyday to have him in our life! Below are a few new things Jack is doing, some pictures and a video of him walking.

* Loves to walk without our help
* Can stand without support
* Says "Uh Oh" when he drops something
* Climbs on and off of everything
* Eats only table/finger foods...no more baby food
* Favorite foods - grilled cheese, french toast, chicken
* Loves to open and close doors
* Gets into our recycling bin and plays with the plastic bottles
* Loves to play peek-a-boo in the curtains

All smiles for the camera!

Look at my top teeth...he now has a total of 5.

Driving Daddy's truck

I want the toy at the very bottom!

Our little man walking...this video makes me smile!!


The Lloyd Family said...

Oh, he is so stinkin' cute!!! I hope I get to meet him one day!