Friday, October 9, 2009

7 Months

Jack turned 7 months old today. He's been a very busy little boy this last month and has accomplished a lot! He is now sitting up, all by himself. He loves sitting up and being able to see everything from a different angle. He's also figured out how to do "push-ups" (Larry is very proud) and we think he'll be crawling very soon. He like's to get on his hands and knees and rock back and forth. He wants to crawl so badly, but can't figure it out and ends up falling to his tummy. He loves his walker! It took him about a day to realize he can move in it, but once he did, he's been on the move ever since and getting into everything! Here are a few pictures from the last month.

Sitting up!

He is so proud of himself and so are we!

Almost crawling!

What can I get into?

He looks like Popeye in this picture.