Thursday, January 23, 2014

Taylor - 15 Month Check-Up

We had Taylor's 15 month check-up this morning.  The doctor checked her out from head to toe and she's doing great!  Below are her stats.

  • Weight - 19 lbs (10%)
  • Height - 32 inches (85%)
Taylor has become very active in the past few months.  She's no longer walking, she's running! She's very curious and is getting into everything, especially drawers.  She loves pulling everything out.  We're trying to show her how to put things back, but she doesn't think that's as fun as pulling it out.  She's becoming independent and enjoys playing by herself.  She's loves books, babies, purses, Jack's cars and being outside.  Jack showed her how to tickle and now she runs around chasing after us and the dogs saying "tickle tickle tickle".  It's really cute!    

Taylor is talking up a storm.  She can say a few words but mostly talks her own language.  Her favorite word to say is "da da" and she says it with such excitement!  When she hears the door open, she runs to the door saying "da da".  Larry loves it and it melts my heart!

Here are a few updated pictures of our Tay Tay.  She's always so happy and when she's not, you will know it!