Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What's new with Jack?

Jack's vocabulary is expanding everyday and he's learning so much. The teachers at his school teach the kids sign language (just your basic words). About 3 months ago, Jack walked up to us and hit his fists together. For the longest time we didn't know what he was doing or trying to tell us, until we googled it and found out that was the sign for "more". He now will say the word "more" and do the sign. Jack also knows the sign for "eat" (and will also say the word) and "please". Here are a few more words that Jack has added to his vocabulary: cracker, tractor, kick, eye, hot, nigh night, boon (moon - always looking for it in the sky), hat, sit down, all gone, all right and his current favorite word is mine.

He loves books and will sneak off to his room to read a book. His favorite book right now is a word and picture book called First 100 Words. He points to a picture, we'll say what it is (if he doesn't beat us to it) and tries to repeat the word. He can point to all of his facial features and body parts. His favorite movie is Finding Nemo and he goes crazy about all the pish (fish).

We've started to put Jack in timeout when he misbehaves and so far, we've only had to do it twice. But now when we ask him, "Do you want to go to timeout?", he walks over to the corner and stands there. It's so funny and we can't help but laugh! He gets this sad puppy dog look on his face and puts himself in timeout...so cute! At least he knows what it means!

Jack's appetite has changed over the last few months. As posted in my last post, he went from being a good eater to being a picky eater. He's not a big fan of meat. We try and hide the meat in mac and cheese (which he loves) but he still picks it out or will even spit it out. He doesn't even like spaghetti...what kid doesn't like spaghetti? I hope this is just a phase because it is quite the challenge to figure out what to give him to ensure he is getting all of the nutrients he needs.

Jack turned 17 months old yesterday and continues to amaze us on all the stuff he's picked up on. I can't believe my baby is growing up so fast!

Chef Jack...helping Mommy make rice crispie treats!

This place is cool!

Watching Finding Nemo with Daddy!

This kid loves ketchup!

Swim date with Olivia!

I think we're in trouble!