Thursday, June 24, 2010

ENT Appointment

Jack is getting tubes. He had an appointment with an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist today and after talking to the doctor and running some tests, Jack is a good candidate. He didn't have any fluid on his ears but the tests showed he had some pressure, which is the beginning of an ear infection. Due to his history and being allergic to penicillin, which limits the antibiotics he can take, the doctor thought tubes would be the best solution. They tested Jack's hearing and he did very well. He can hear and spot an airplane in the sky from a mile away so I knew he would do great on the hearing test. I know its a quick and easy procedure but I'm still a little nervous (what Mommy wouldn't be). Jack always runs a high fever and is not a happy camper when he has an ear infection and I want my little boy to be happy and well! His surgery is scheduled for Wednesday, June 30 at 8:00 am.


Shipley Family said...

Awww Baby Jack! Let us know if you need anything.

Unknown said...

Let us know if you need anything or have any questions. My memory is still fresh from Caleb's, considering it was less than a month ago!

Jana said...

Awesome... I am a huge advocate of tubes. He'll be a whole new boy!

It's a little scary when they take them back, but it's really quick and he'll be out before you know it. Just don't freak out if he's cranky when he first wakes up. Both of mine were and it's totally normal. It's just the anesthesia...which wears off pretty quick.

I'll say a little prayer for yall.

Patrick, Julie, Will and Scott said...

Prayers said for Jack ... and Mommy!

The Lloyd Family said...

Poor Little Guy!! He will be a brand new boy when they are in. Peyton had them done at 8 months and hasn't had an ear infection since!! Praying for you guys!

Tammy said...

Aww little Jack he will be just fine. Both the girls had them very quick and easy. We will thinking about you guys on Wednesday let us know Via Text please. Love you guys give Jack a big hug and kiss from his cousins..