Thursday, April 2, 2009

Mommy's First Night Out

A few of us girls went to the Britney Spears concert on Monday night. This was my first night out since Jack's arrival and we had a blast! The Pussy Cat Dolls opened up for Britney and they were awesome, and Britney was amazing! It was nice to get out of the house and have a fun night with the girls. We went all out....we got a limo and had awesome seats (12 rows up from the floor). I missed Jack so much but knew he was having a great time hanging out with his daddy. When I got home, Jack was sleeping in his crib, in his room, and daddy made a pallet on the floor and was using the Boppy as a pillow. It was so cute!! I wish I would have taken a picture but I didn't want to wake them.

I forgot my camera so I had to use my cell phone. I'll post more pictures of the concert when I get them from the girls.

Pussy Cat Dolls

Britney Spears


The Heflins said...

Hi Shelly, It's Erin (Ables) Heflin. I just wanted to say hi and congrats. Your little man is so very cute!